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8 responses »

  1. Michelle Vernall

    Good Day,
    I trust this mail finds you well.
    I was wondering if you could help with some information with regards to purchasing and owning a friesian.
    I have always loved horses, especially the friesians; ridden since I was about 10 but never been able to get a horse of my own, now finally I can get a horse of my own 🙂
    I am getting married in September and we are looking for a small holding or farm; what sort of size property should we be looking for that would suit a Friesian. Are you able to assist with giving us a rough idea of the price that we could budget for?

    Many Thanks and Kind Regards,


  2. Hi Michelle, I understand your desire to own a Friesian! They’re magnificent horses! One of the easiest ways to buy a Friesian is to go the the SA Studbook website. They have a list of all the breeders. I’ll forward the web address to you. You can also watch the yellow pages in the Landbou Weekblad. I’ve seen quite a few ads for Friesians in there recently.
    Unfortunately Friesians are expensive. The price for a registered foal can easily start at R15 000. So, prepare yourself to spend quite a bit of money! It is difficult to give a fixed figure, it depends on the bloodline, gender, classification of the horse, age, etc. Just a word of advice. If you just want a Friesian for your pleasure and you don’t plan to breed, go for a lower classification like an F1 or F2.
    How big your property should be? Gosh, that’s a difficult one. Obviously you can’t keep a big horse like that on a too small property. If you plan to ride your horse often, you need only a decent size camp of about 1 hectare to keep him happy. But you’ll have to buy fodder. Friesians are big and they eat like big horses! So, be warned! If you are able to, make sure you have a stable for your horse, but it should be a fairly big stable. I won’t go smaller than 3 metres x four metres.
    I’ll keep my eyes open for advertisements of Friesians and I’ll let you know if I see one with potential. But always remember – the golden rule when buying a horse: CHECK IT OUT YOURSELF! Ride it before you buy it. You don’t want to be stuck with a horse you don’t get along with.
    Good luck, Michelle! We’ll chat again and keep on visiting Faeriewood Friesians!


  3. Michelle Vernall

    Thanks very much Antionette!
    Your information has help, and now we can start looking for the ideal property that suits us and hopefully a new friesian in the near near future.

    Thanks a million

  4. I am 45 and are planning to retire in 5years time. My dream is to then purchase myself a Friesian Horse. I had a horse when I was a teenager for almost ten years. I would like to know if I can purchase a trained horse and where I can possibly get training. I would love to know all the techniques. Can I perhaps work for free to master some training methods?

    • Hi Laetitia, well, yes, you can buy a trained horse, but naturally it will cost you more than a young, untrained one! Could you let me know more about your level of riding and training, then it will be easier to reply to your questions regarding training. Also, what would you like to do with your horse? Just ride for fun, or do you want to show him/her or do dressage? You’re welcome to email me at I’m not sure exactly where you live and how easy it will be for you to travel for training. So, please give me a bit more detail, in an e-mail if you choose, then we can discuss different options.

  5. When can we expect photos of Oepke and the new mares?

  6. Thanks!!

    They are BEAUTIFUL !!!

  7. Julle Timo is pragtig!!

    Wie besluit op die name van julle perde? Hulle is almal baie oorspronklik!


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