A newborn foal!!!

It is a beautiful summer day.  The sky is that almost fragile blue, the grass is a perfect shade of summer green and a slight breeze is blowing.  It is also sweltering hot.  But I am in seventh heaven.  After anxious weeks and late nights of checking on her, early morning of running to the stables dressed in my pyjamas, gum boots and a jacket, Klara’s foal was born early Sunday morning.

On Saturday night as we stabled the horses I could see that Klara was uncomfortable.  She kept on moving from one back leg to the other, her udder was very very full and she just had THAT look about her.  I kept on running out to the stable throughout the evening, but eventually the Sandman caught up with me and I fell asleep.  Sunday morning around 5:30 I woke up with a start, jumped out of bed, grabbed my cell phone and almost ran to the stables.  Only Rita was standing at the gate and I just knew!  When I walked into the stable, the tiny, perfect little foal was standing next to Klara!  I gasped.  He was so absolutely perfect in every way – pitch black with an elegant little neck and long, long legs ending in tiny little hooves.  I phoned Johan, who was still in bed. I took pictures and sms’d all my close friends and I posted it on Facebook.  I was overjoyed!

He was still wet and very unsteady on his feet, but the minute I talked to him and he heard my voice, he whinnied.  I often stood next to Klara when she was pregnant and talked to the foal, telling him/her how much I was looking forward to its birth and how much I loved it.  When I talked to him after his birth, he recognised my voice, answered me and was immediately attached to me.  He willingly came to me, allowed me to touch him all over his tiny body and followed me around the stable.  He sucked my fingers as I guided his hungry little mouth to his mom’s engorged udder.  Those moments were so very very special and I thank and praise God for the miracle after the heartsore and pain of Rita’s foal’s death.

And so Faeriewood Cheval entered our lives.  A perfect little colt, lively, playful and always ready for a cuddle.

Sunday night our good friend, Dirk, came over to share in the joy and he and I spent time talking to Cheval and Klara, cuddling the little colt and just marvelling in the beauty and wonder of life.

Klara is in perfect condition and I’m happy that I followed the advice of Margie of Grande Roux Feeds in Heidelberg and put her on a special concentrate for pregnant and lactating mares.

My other horses are doing great.  My wonderful young friends, Stella de Wet and Sheree Boshoff came to visit. Stella would have stayed only a weekend.  In the end she stayed more than two weeks!  Sheree was here for a week and the three of us had a wonderful time working with the horses, riding, chatting, sharing stories and just being.  Thank you girls, for your wonderful company, friendship and willingness to share your lives with me.

Stella formed a special bond with Oepke, while Sheree’s darling still is Timo Vee.  Well, she was here when he arrived at Faeriewood and she helped to raise him!  So, no real surprise there!   I have started riding Madonna.  What a joy she is!  Gentle, yet willing.  I will put pictures on as and when I get a moment.  Sadly our internet connection on the farm can be a bit temperamental!

Oh my Lord, thank you for all the blessings I receive from Your generous Hand!  I think I’m one of the most blessed people on earth!



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